I would like to do more research. I read a book called Eigo no mimi = the ear of English, that introduced about listening using English song and pronunciation training. In that book was written about the method of training by repeating 300 times of 1 selected song. Practicing the selected ballads song that pronounced English vowels and consonants slowly was recommended in that book. For those who can not decided by themselves what song to choose, the song by the Carperters are recommended. On my studies I found that a lot of the internet websites recommended the Carpenters' song as well.
The reason for that is the ballad songs are easy to listen to with clear and beautiful pronunciation. On the other hand, it seems that there are some songs which are not ideal as a material for listening or the practice of pronunciation. For example, the songs with the lyrics which are hard to listen to, or the songs with lyrics which can be misheard. Listening to western music, sometimes you can barely hear articles or prepositions as you think the singer did not pronounce them.
The western music is one of the useful learning tools in the meaning of learning the pronunciation of native speaker. However, we have to be careful in some respects in learning English with music. As lyrics are similar to poem, some are different from the usual grammar, diction and expressions we usually use. Others have double meanings and are the ones that we do not understand unless we understand background as well as we cannot understand even if we ask a question to the native speaker. If we select the song that has a difficult lyrics, we cannot use the knowledge we obtained there.
Therefore, in order to maximize the effect of music to study English, you should choose a song with lyrics which is understandable for Japanese, and you should be able to listen to it repeatedly.