Popinjay dreams of making poverty a thing of the past for Pakistani women
When it comes to earning money, women in Pakistan have historically received the short end of the stick. Because of the country’s conservative culture, girls typically find it hard to get an education or progress beyond low-paying jobs. In fact, the Global Gender Gap report published by the World Economic Forum just last year saw the Muslim nation rank a dismal 141 out of 142 countries in terms of economic participation and opportunity for women.
金を稼ぐことに関していえば、パキスタン女性はハズレくじを引いてきた歴史がある。同国は保守的な文化をもつため、女子は一般的に教育を受けるのが難しいか、低賃金の仕事を越えてのレベルアップは困難だ。実際、つい昨年、World Economic Forumが発表したGlobal Gender Gap(世界の男女性差)レポートでは、イスラム教国のパキスタンは、女性の経済的参加と機会において、142カ国中の141位というさんざんな順位だった。
Females who want to break this ceiling often have to resort to extreme means to do so. Saba Gul, founder of high-end handbag company Popinjay, recalls the story of a young girl named Azaada Khan, who had disguised herself as a boy for 12 years in order to be allowed to attend school in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.
As a student fortunate enough to be studying in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology – and so geographically separated from these realities – the story deeply impacted her. Even though she managed to land a six-figure engineering job after graduation, Saba couldn’t get the story out of her mind.
多くの場合この国の女性が分厚い貧困の壁を打ち破るには極端な手段に打って出る他はない。高級ハンドバック企業の創業者、Saba Gul氏はAzzada Khanという名の若い少女がタリバン統治のアフガニスタンで学校に通うために12歳の少年と偽って暮らさなくてはならなかった話を振り返る。
“In addition, I had always carried within me a deep love for the beautiful craft techniques I saw in Pakistan, where I grew up, as well as in my travels around the world – India, Bhutan, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka,” she recounts. “I felt that this talent was stunted due to a lack of opportunities and connections to larger markets.”
So in 2011 – when America was still recovering from the effects of a terrible recession – Saba decided to return to her homeland and try to make a difference. She unwittingly stumbled upon her life’s mission in the process.
“I started a pilot in Pakistan to provide young women access to basic education and livelihoods. As it started gaining traction in the local community, I realized that it lit my fire like nothing had before,” she says. “Quitting my job after that was a no-brainer.”
The pilot program – which evolved into a full-fledged non-profit organization called BLISS – involved after-school classes in which girls learnt embroidery and needlework. Their embroidered fabric would then be sent to local producers to be finished into high-quality handbags, which were sold in boutiques. The proceeds would be used to fund the girls’ education, as well as recruit other students.
Their handiwork soon became extremely popular with customers not just locally, but from all over the world. In an article on Medium, Saba recalls an encouraging note from a customer from Canada:
I’ve never loved a thing as much as I love my BLISS bag. You make bags that change the world! People ask about it because it is so unusual, so lovely; it is embroidered art. When I tell them the story of families lifted economically, the bag becomes so much more beautiful.
In addition, the handbags were featured in several national and international media platforms, and even in fashion shows. On the surface, it seemed like a success, but there was a deeper issue that had Saba worrying behind closed doors – how the team was going to go about “scaling up our model after the initial proof of concept.” At that time, the BLISS team had a grand total of two people, with just 40 artisan women under its wings.
Here was the problem: Saba’s goal of bringing prosperity to artisan women was highly dependent upon the organization being able to to sell more products made by them. And to sell more products, the enterprise was going to have to make a name for itself in the fashion industry, which we all know is fiercely competitive, to say the least.
“The first step to scaling was to accept that we weren’t just a non-profit dipping our toes into the world of fashion out of necessity. We were in the business of fashion. Not in the business of poverty or education, except indirectly,” Saba writes.
“We needed to be a fashion label focused on sales, not a non-profit focused solely on social impact.”
Getting down to business
A massive overhaul of both business model and mindsets was what came next as BLISS was re-branded into the for-profit Popinjay, and came online in late 2013. The name is a Middle English word that means parrot.
“We chose a parrot because it is an animal that is associated with a voice,” Saba explains. “Our parrot stands for the voice of good fashion, the voice of the artisan women whose skills and stories we spread, and the voice of the consumer who wants to create positive impact with their purchase.”
The Popinjay brand would be defined by two things: luxe design and global impact. But before the latter could be accomplished, the former had to be established in the marketplace. To do this meant Saba had to focus on fundraising, sales, and hiring talent – advice that she got from an advisory board member and the founder of Indigenous Designs, Scott Leonard.
While this was not what she had in mind when first founding the organization, Saba knew that Leonard was right, and she began the process of developing a greater business sense.
Popinjayブランドを特徴付けていくものとして高級感のあるデザインと世界的に与えるインパクトの2点が挙げられる。しかし後者を達成するにはまず、前者をマーケットで確立する必要がある。そのためにSaba氏は資金調達、販売、優秀な人材確保といったことにも力を注がなければならない。これは同諮問役員でIndigneous Designsの創業者でもあるScott Leonard氏が彼女に送ったアドバイスだった。
“My breakthrough came when I started pitching Popinjay to investors who had a deep connection to Pakistan, and a great appreciation for the soul of our brand,” she tells Tech in Asia. “We secured a seed round of funding through a syndicate of angel investors within a month of starting conversations with them.”
「状況が打開し始めたのはPopinjayをパキスタンと結びつきの深い投資家たちにピッチしたときでした。彼らはPopinjayの企業理念を高く評価してくれたのです。彼らと会談し始めて1ヶ月もたたないうちにエンジェル投資家のシンジケートを通して、我々はシードラウンド出資にこぎつけました。」と彼女はTech In Asianに語ってくれた。