Yes we received the payment yesterday, I am waiting to hear from our operations department to see if they have arranged the shipment to be picked up. As soon as I hear back from them I will let you know.
Our operations department is unable to create the shipping labels with DHL and have asked me to see if you can print the labels and send them to us. The dims for this order are below:
This will ship from our warehouse at:
Pick up times are between 1pm-3pm M-F
Please let me or Jody Connelly know if you have any questions.
当社の営繕部はDHLのシッピングラベルを作成することはできないので、あなたのほうでラベルをプリントして我々のほうに送ってくれないかと営繕部が言っています。今回の注文のdims は以下の通りです。
こちらは当社の: にある倉庫からの出荷です。
ピックアップの時間は1pm-3pm M-Fの間になります。
何か質問があれば私かJody Connelly にお知らせください。
Thank you very much for the new order. Yes, we have both of those items in stock. Please find attached an order confirmation for your review.
Would you please let me know if you'd like us to arrange transportation of these goods to Tokyo for you?
Thank you again and I hope you have a great day. Please let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you.