Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] The show was about an hour long. Images and actions, and there were some sexy...

Original Texts
"結果からいうと、充分楽しめました。こちらの口コミを拝見し、期待して行きましたが、期待通りのショーでした。まずショーが始まる前に食事がでてきました。こちらのサイトから予約すると1ドリンク付いてきたので、お得感がありました。味もまぁまぁ美味しかったです。食べ終わる頃ショーに出るという女性が各テーブルを回ってきて、お客さん夫々と会話していきます。私達が予約した時間がPM8:00~だったので、満席ではなかった為ゆっくり回っていました。 ショーは、大体1時間くらいです。映像とアクション、又妖艶なシーンもあり、立ち回りも迫力満点でよかったですよ!私達の席がまん前の席だったので、よけい迫力が感じられたのかもしれません。大声を出せるし、ストレス解消にはもってこいでした!
Translated by reikokobinata
It was quite fun as a result. I saw the feedbacks here and expected to be fun, and the show was good as I expected. Before the show started the dinner was served. As I reserved from this website with additional drink seemed affordable.The taste was good enough. As I finished eating a woman on the show came around each table talking with visitors.She came around so slowly because the seats were not full as our reservation time was after 8:00PM.
The show continued about one hour. The picture and action with voluptuous seen powerful actions satisfied me!
As out seat was in the middle the show might got more powerful. I could shout so that it was good for stress-free.
After the show the actors came to the audience talking to me , and allowed to be taken pictures together. The trip was for our company staff and all of us satisfied with it and went home.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 1 hour
reikokobinata reikokobinata
I am a housewife with an experience of teaching Japanse. I love languages. Es...