・Want to sell this item fast? edbay-uk has just made a best offer to buy it. Here are the details of the offer:
・Did you send this turntable in original box?
・we were informed by one of our clients on yahoo that you took third party pictures and descriptions without permission.
Please note that any duplication or distribution constitutes a violation of the copyright, which can be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.
In order to avoid further legal steps by our client, we kindly ask you to delete the third party photos and item descriptions within 7 working days.
・Have you tested it to see if it operates on all 3 speeds?
・Reading the description I find out that you recommended the item to be sent by EMS so the item will be traceable.
Will not be tracealbe at all if sent by normal int. shipping?
Could you please explain a little bit more about this and the extra costs for being sent by EMS?
Please do not send the item until we clarify these questions.
Thank you very much for your help in advance.
Best regards,
この記述を読みますと、あなたがEMS でこのアイテムを送るように勧めてくれたことがわかりました。なので、このアイテムは追跡可能なんでしょうか。