Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] ITインフラ基盤にAWSが選ばれる3つの理由 ~事例にみるエンタープライズAWS導入の勘所~ 企業がITインフラの基盤にAWSを積極的採用する流れが進ん...

Original Texts
ITインフラ基盤にAWSが選ばれる3つの理由 ~事例にみるエンタープライズAWS導入の勘所~

こうした中、大手総合商社がクラウド全面移行を決断するに至った経緯とAWS 導入のメリットを紹介する。
Translated by spdr
Three reason that AWS is selected as IT infrastructure: ~ Vital pints of adopting enterprise AWS observed in typical examples~

The trend of business entities adopting AWS as their IT infrastructure is going on.
Our company also has introduction results of AWS to more than 200 business entities, and it becomes inevasible situation in future.
In the situation like this, I am going to introduce you the background of a major trading company to decide for totally transferring to cloud business and the advantages of adopting AWS.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
22 minutes
spdr spdr