we are visiting atlantic city in New Jersey today for mom's birthday. I am very excited about it!! we can gamble or go outside to the beach. there is a shopping strip :D
I have been busy with work too and it is harder because I am out of shape, I must work harder and try to lose weight. I have a hard time because I love chocolate and I eat a lot of it sometimes :D
we have harvested the pumpkin and I am thinking making soup and puddings
I tried Goya in Florida when I made Goya chanpuru recipe. it was very bitter!! :'( I recently found it at a specialty shop and have another recipe to make it, so I will try again :3
Funashii/azi = nazi? lol !!
フロリダでゴーヤーをゴーヤーチャンプルーにして食べてみましたが、とても苦かったです。:'( 専門店で最近また見つけたので別の料理にして再度チャレンジしてみます。:3
Funashii/azi = nazi? lol !!