Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] You need to complete the application process prior to using the membership se...

Original Texts

現在、お試し用のIDでご利用いただけるお試し期間延長中! まもなく終了します。
Translated by ozsamurai_69
In order to use the member services you need to apply.
Ekipedia is a self funded NPO business. IN order for us to continue our work we ask for the help of everyone. To this end when you use it, we ask for a 500 JPY or over donation.

The way to apply. Regarding the members terminal and MAP.
At present you can use a trial ID to extend your time! This will soon end.
Please take this chance to log in, get a feel for the convenience of the service. The way to trial the members service is as follows.
Extended period for trial is until the 15th July.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
11 minutes
ozsamurai_69 ozsamurai_69
ー 日本語能力試験1級合格
ー 翻訳・通訳 英和<->和英 7年本田株式会社(研究ー品質部)

- Passed The Japanese Prof...