1. 以下のPHPのエラーが表示されました
2. デフォルトの言語を日本語にしたいと考えています
1. X.phpファイルをYフォルダにアップロード
2. X.phpのコードを以下に変更
I have 2 questions.
1. The PHP error was displayed as below.
As I changed "ob_gzhandler" in line 24 of X.php into "mb_output_handler", the error dissappeared.
Is there any problem?
2. I want change the default language to Japanese.
Though I set my computer as follow, there seems no difference.
There is possibly a mistake, as I don't understand English very well.
1. I uploaded the X.php file to folder Y.
2. I changed the X.php code as follow.