主に男性が使用する一人称を使う女性には「ボクっ娘」があるが、「オレっ娘」は更に男性を思わせる風貌・言動の女性の一人称であることが多い。 「ボクっ娘」で見られるような幼さを連想させるキャラクターは少なく、所謂「姉御肌」的なキャラクターが多い傾向がある。また、不良を思わせるキャラも多い。少年性が薄いキャラクターも存在するため、必ずしもボーイッシュなキャラに該当するとは言えない。また、人格が豹変し凶暴となったキャラが「俺」を用いる場合も多々ある。
We have 'bokukko' in cases of women using first-person pronoun mainly used by males, but we also have many "orekko" cases that females in first person have speech and appearance mistaken as that of a male. With "bokukko", there are a few characters associated with childish looks, and most are more inclined to be the so-called big-sister type. Again, many characters giving off bad impression exist as well. Since there are characters having personality of a timid young boy as well, you can't really say it only applies to boyish characters. Then again, we have many cases that characters use "ore" when they show a sudden fierce change in personality.