please note this kit is not suitable for sapphire or fusion watch crystals.
①thank you for purchaseing this glass polishing kit, i will outline the basic instructions for use below, however if you require further assistance at any time please contact me at the above email address and i will reply as soon as possible.
②each tub has a piece of chamois along with approximately 25g of coarse, medium, fine or polishing powder.the coarse(1),medium(2),and fine(3),powders need about 60ml of water to make to a thin slurry and the polishing powder(4)takes about 40ml of water(should look like creamy milk).if the paste is too thin it will lose its effectiveness and if it is too dry it will not go far.
① このガラス磨きキットを購入頂きありがとうございます。
③basically you will be removeing the glass from around the scratch to form a shallw dip so the deeper the scratch the bigger the area that needs to be polished in order to alleviate the effect of optical distortion.
④the various powders abrade away the glass at different rates, obviously the course powder will remove the glass quicker but this in turn will need to be polished out with one of the finer grits.
⑤all glass manufacturers use different recipes for their products, this is true not just for modern production but is equally true for vintage and antique glassware, and as a result some glass is quite ''soft'' and others quite ''hard''. the softer glass will work quite quickly whereas the harder glass needs patience.
⑥you will eventually get used to which powder to use for which project but basically for a scratch on glass start with the coarse powder using the chamois to rub at the area around the scratch to about 1cm distance(further for really deep scratchs) until the scratch has practically disappeared then move onto the medium powder taking the area out to 1.5cm from the scratch , when the scratch has disappeared polish using the fine powder out to 2cm then finally use the polishing powder.
⑦for deeper scratches and chips use wet & dry (silicon carbide) sheets supplied 400 grit followed by 600 grit.
⑧make sure that you wash each item thoroughly after each grade of powder to avoid contaminating the finer powders with the coarser ones, when washing , return all rinsing liquid and powder residue to the relevant tubs, leave to settle then carefully tip out the excess water this will ensure you do not waste too much powder and the powder can then be reused.
⑨when using the chamois mops use at a speed of 5,000 to 10,000 revs and do not press hard just let the mop do the work. keep the mop moist and put the wet powder mixture onto the area that needs work. always use a different mop for each grade to avoid cross contamination of the powders.
i would recommend practicsing on an inexpensive item of glass before tackling any expensive.
for polishing acrylic crystals use the Number 1(coarse) to remove the scratch , then Number 3 (fine) to smooth and finally buff up with Number 4(polishing)
good luck with your restoration projects, don't forget if you require any assistance at all just email me(no question is a silly question except the one that is not asked when it should be).
please ensure you use goggles and mask(for fine particles particularly silica) especially when using powder tools as particles of powder will fly off the mops.