【ラーメン好き必見】「死ぬまでに行ってみたい世界の奇妙な博物館 18選」に選ばれた大阪池田市にあるインスタントラーメン発明記念館
[A must cuisine for Ramen lovers] Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum in Osaka Ikeda city selected as "Top 18 Strange museums in the world we would like to go at least once"
A museum in Ikeda city of Osaka Hokusetsu area was recognized as the museum ranked 7th in the world in 2012! The name of this museum is "Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum". To tell the truth, instant ramen originated in Ikeda city. Here, you can cook an original instant ramen, learn the history the instant ramen, etc.