Rising temperatures are expected to have a significant impact on Australian species, with the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report warning that a 2C-4C rise in average temperatures will wipe out 21%-36% of Australia's butterflies, while the loss of nearly half of appropriate habitat in Queensland will spell doom for 7%-14% of reptiles, 8%-18% of frogs, one in 10 birds and 10%-15% of mammals.
Tracy Rout, of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Queensland and co-author of the relocation study, told Guardian Australia that moving species was a contentious one among scientists.
クイーンズランド大学生物化学学科及び移転学の共同著者のTracy Rout氏はガーディアン・オーストラリアに、科学者の間で、生物を他の違う生息地に移す事は議論されていると語った。
Queensland大学生物科学部所属で移動の調査の共著者のTracy Rout氏はGuardian Autralia誌に種類移動は科学者間でも議論の項目であると述べる。