堀氏は、前職ではオーストラリア政府観光局に 17 年間在籍。2005 年から同局日本局長として8年間在任。日本の観光マーケットを熟知する旅行のエキスパートで、旅行業界関係者と密接な関係をもっている。
Tourism Agency of Hong Kong Government announced that Mr. Kazunori Hori took the position of Manager of Japan on October 1. He is going to work on measure of the Agency'smarketing strategy in Japan and how to carry it out.
He had worked at Australia Government Tourism Agency for 17 years, and has worked as manager of Japan in the Agency for 8 years since 2005.
He is an expert of tourism who is well versed in tourism market in Japan, and has a close relationship with those in tourism.