今回は 僕の店で商品を買ってくれてありがとう。
気がついてるかも知れないけど 実は 僕は英語が得意じゃないんだよ。
だから 通訳はパートナーに任せてるんだ。
でも、そのパートナーの通訳のおかげで あなたに 商品を買ってもらうことができたわけだから ありがたいよね。
ちなみに日本国内の交渉は 英語じゃなくて 日本語だから 商品の仕入先や購入ルート、は 間違いないよ。安心して。
You might know already, but actually, I am not good at English.
See? I am speaking Japanese only on this video.
Actually, my partner translates for me.
That is why my reply is always late, sorry about that.
Think this is great that you purchased the item from us because of the translate. I thank my partner.
By the way, in case of negotiation in Japan would be No problem, the wholesaler, route of purchasing etc..everything is perfect, as I don't need to speak English. So, please feel released.
Maybe you notice it, I am not good at English.
I am speaking Japanese all the way thru in this video.
So, I depend on my partner for translation.
That's why I respond a bit slowly. Sorry for that.
However, owing to my partner's translation, I could have you buy my goods, which I should appreciate.
On the other hand, negotiation in Japan is done in Japanese, not English. So from whom I buy goods is not a problem at all, no worry.
逆に日本国内の交渉は 英語じゃダメなんだ。
ちょうど 今日 あなたの商品を発送したからさ 商品が届くのを楽しみにしててよ。
荷物のトラッキングナンバーは 別のメールで届くと思うから 時々 荷物の配送状況をチェックしてね。
また 何か気になることがあったら メールして 返事は少し時間がかかるけど 必ず返すから。
I have just sent you the items to you so I hope you are looking forward to it. Tracking number will send to you by different email so please check the inbox sometimes. It will take some time to respond you but please message me when you are interested in something. See you. Thank you.
On the contrary, English is no good in negotiation in Japan.
So, I think it's best to buy Japanese goods from Japanese.
I've just shipped your goods just now. Please look forward.
The tracking number of the parcel will be sent by another email, I think. So please check the status of delivery once in a while.
When you have any concern, please email me. I am sure to reply though it may take time.
See you and thanks.
二段落め、Thinkの前の "I"が消えていました。加えて下さい。すみません。