アンザイレンはお互いの身体をロープで結び合うことで。 片方クレバスに落ちても片方がロープで助けてくれるというのだけど。
「もし ラキが落ちたらどうするの?」
「心配するな。 俺は落ちない。 万が一落ちた時は俺が自分でロープを切る。」
Anzairen says you can survive even if you slump into the crevasse by tying the bodies each other with a rope.
This short rope method is based on the thought the first person never slumps into the crevasse.
"What do you do if Raki slumps into there?"
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna slump. If it happens I'll cut the rope by myself"
"By the way, have you become good at playing piano?"
"No, I haven't"
"You've become able to play proudly but how come you can make mistakes?"
"Shut up"