現在は 赤、白、黒どの色も仕入れ価格が同じなのです。本来なら赤色も350ドルでお願いしたいのですが、480AUDの表示を見て 340ドルにさせていただいています。なので 今は 赤色、黒色はお買い得だと思いますよ。
販売メーカーに別売りが可能かどうかの確認をしますので 少しお待ち下さい。
Currently, prices are the same for all colors including red, white and black. Although the red color was initially priced at 350 dollars, we have lowered it to 340 dollars after realizing that the product is now also priced at 480 AUD. As such, both red and black colors are now a bargain.
Also, the stand for the shaver is not sold separately. Both the shaver and the stand is sold as a single set. As I am confirming the whether it is possible to sell to different manufacturers, I will give you a reply immediately once I have the answer.