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[Translation from English to Native Japanese ] About the Open Data Census The open data census assesses the state of open da...

Original Texts
About the Open Data Census
The open data census assesses the state of open data around the world. An increasing number of governments have now committed to open up data but how much data is actually being released? What kind of data is this and in what format? Which countries, regions and cities are the most advanced and which are lagging in relation to open data?

The Open Data Census has been developed to assist in answering these questions. It collects and presents information on the evolution and current state of open data around the world. An Open Data Index based on the census results is currently under development and will be launched in 2013.
Translated by oier9
オープンデータ国勢調査は、世界中のオープン•データの状態を評価する。現在、ますます多くの自治体数がデータを開示すると約束していますが、実際にはどれほどのデータが公開されているのでしょうか? データの種類は? 形式は? どの国や地域、都市が最もデータの開示について先進的であり、あるいは遅れているでしょうか?


Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
30 minutes
oier9 oier9