一応、ebay Customer Supportにはこの件に関して報告は報告させて頂いたのですが、穏便に解決したいので、キャンセル手続きを再度お願いさせて頂きたいと思います。こちらからはその処理は出来ないので。
I am contacting you again regarding this issue. Currently, there is an unpaid item claim from eBay. Could you explain what this is all about? An unpaid claim is absurd when I cannot make a payment.
I have reported the situation to eBay Customer Support, but I would like to resolve this peacefully so could you please cancel the order? I cannot cancel the order on my end.
I believe there was a mistake on my part as well, but I am wondering why you have not responded to me.
Thank you in advance.