IMPORTANT: This information will appear in your shipping documents and
the Bill of Lading. Please check it out and request us any changes
(if necessary) ASAP.
OPTION 2: Wire Transfers, Direct Deposits, Western Union or MoneyGram:
Request our bank info for direct deposits or wire transfers in email .
Otherwise Western Union or MoneyGram. If you have chosen to Western Union or MoneyGram funds to us, then please ask us for instructions in advance.
We will proceed with your shipment upon a copy of receipt on your money transfer.
Please take a moment to review our return policy.
重要: 当情報は輸送書類及び船荷証券に記載されるものですので、お確かめの上、変更が必要であれば至急ご連絡ください。
選択肢その2: 電信送金、口座振込み、Western Union及びMoneyGram がご利用いただけます。
それ以外はWestern Union か MoneyGramになります。Western UnionかMoneyGram間での送金の場合は、事前にご連絡ください。