1. カーニバルは、2007年より漫画として連載が始まりました。主人公は无(ナイ)という名前です。漢字にするとすごく難しい漢字なのですが、ここでは伝わらないですよね・・・。残念。无は、嘉禄(カロク)という、これまた漢字が難しい人を探す旅にでますが、その途中で、ミネという女の屋敷に捉えられてしまいます(ちなみに、漢字は簡単ですよ)。目的はカロクという人物を探すカギで、国家防衛機関「輪」(サーカス)の身分証である「カロクの腕輪」でした。
1. Carnival is a Manga started appearing on a magazine since 2007. Its protagonist is named Nai.
Nai can be written in a very complex Kanji, but you can't see it in English here... That's too bad. Ten starts journey with Karoku whose name is also written in a very difficult Kanji. During the journey, however, he got confined into a residence of a woman named Mine (Her name is easy in Kanji) Her aim was to get "Karoku's bracelet", a certification of the national defense association named "Wa (circus)" and a key to find a person, Karoku.
However, Nai is made escaped by Gareki (花礫), again difficult, who happened to sneak into Mine’s house for stealing. Yes, from here adventure of Nai and Gareki starts for heading to Headquarter of Circus. In the first place, Circus has been fighting against a psychic group called Varga and Nai and his company is also facing fight against its bad group. Situation setting is rather complex here. Also, it is rather rare animation intended for recent Fujoshi. Moreover, although this is intended to girls, girls’ character is cute and beautiful which makes distinction from others. I especially like Tsukumo.
2. 国家最高防衛機関「輪」の一員です。明るく人懐っこい性格で、感情表現が豊かです。加えて少し泣き虫という腐女子にとっては理想的な男性像であろうヨギ。身長181cmとルックスも大変よく、ムードメーカー的な存在です。
She is short and cute.><
Also, Circus sometimes holds shows to entertain citizens. Nyanperona, who appears in those shows, is popular. There are a lot of her goods.
Among Doujinshi, couplings between handsome characters are popular. Please check them out!
2. He is a member of "Circle", the national executive defense association. She is outgoing, social and good at expressing her emotions. Besides, Yogi often cries and would be an ideal man for Fujoshi (rotten girls). He is 181cm high, quite handsome and acts like a mood maker.
Well, during the show sometimes held, Yogi wears full-body costume of highly favorite character Nyanperona.
Yogi actually worries about a sense of distance with Gareki and often at some instances, he is grieved at Gareki. Quite honest, I also feel cute on it.
This is a tip, it is like this that Yogi and Gareki is not close in original work but they are making out many times in Dojinshi, and without exception they also are quite popular in Dojinshi.
He stuck medical patch at left cheeks, as soon as it is removed, his hair color changes from blond to silver, sudden change of character and cold word he does not use normally is coming out form his mouth.
You want to like this kind of gap doesn’t you? Like gap Moe is walking loyal road.
I repeat many times, I am sure Fujoshi is attracted by and likes Yogi. There are many goods of Yogi, please come and see them.
“Full of spirit of man”, “Heart pounding splendid prince”, actually I am telling every times.
3. 主人公のうちの一人、ないちゃんです。ショタ系男の子です。やっぱりショタらしく短パンをはいていますよ┌(┌ ^o^)┐正直僕は、初めて見たときに女の子だと思いました。それくらいにかわいいのです。
3. He is one of protagonists and named Nai-chan. He is a pedophiliac boy. Like other pedophiles, he wears a short pants.┌(┌ ^o^)┐ Honestly, I thought he was a girl in a first sight. He is such a cute boy.
In spite of his cuteness, it seems that he had horrific past experiences. He apparently doesn't remember anything except for Karoku's and his names. He doesn't know any other things. He even doesn't understand blood and call it "red puddle". He really doesn't know anything except for Karoku's and his names.
4. カーニヴァルの主人公のうちの一人です。身長170cmの15歳です。もともとは窃盗などをして生活していましたが、ある日盗みに入った屋敷で无と出会い、彼が持っていた腕輪に興味をもち、一緒に旅にでることになります。
He had a bracelet which was a clue to find Karoku. While he was looking for Karoku, he came across Gareki and continued a journet together.
Dojinshi (a coterie magazine) features more stories about Gareki x Yogi, but personally I want to read many dojinshi dealing with stories about Nai x Gareki. Authors of dojinshi, please meet my requests.
4. He is one of the protagonists. He is 15 years old with height of 170 cm. He used to llive by robbery and something like that. However, when he happened to meet Nai at a residence he broke in one day, he had an interest in the ring possessed by Nai, the two started to go on a journey together.
He is a calculative person but takes care of Nai and is caring even though he swears. Nai must stimulate maternal instinct of him.
My personal favorite scene is that Gareki gets picked up like a princess by Eva, maybe. He said 'Kill me...' covering his face by his hands. Isn't that too cute...?
Oh I hadn't thought that hansome boys are cute..oh my gosh..
Maybe this animation is making me crazy..!?