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[Translation from Japanese to English ] Sanji is a chef among the gang that fights with his kick. He is hard on me...

Original Texts



彼のグッズはFigureも多いのですが、他のキャラと比べてDoujinshiの数が多いのも特徴です。 ZoroやNami、Luffyとの本が多く、個人的にはNamiやRobinとの本が好きです!

彼は実は「PIRATE RECIPES」という本を出しており、実際に彼が作った料理のレシピを見る事が出来ます!! 骨付き肉や海賊弁当など40品以上のレシピを掲載している本です。日本でも発売からものすごい数が売れていたので、是非チェックしてみてください!

彼の魅力は、「自分の決めた事を絶対に曲げない強さ」だと思います。 「女性を攻撃しない」「戦いは蹴りしか使わない(手は料理を作るためにある)」「お腹がすいている人には、例え悪者でも食事を分け与える」など、彼は今まで掲げたポリシーを曲げたことはありません


彼はthe Straw Hat Piratesのマスコットであり、非常食であり、超一流の医者です。

性格はまじめで優しいのですが、欠点は純粋すぎて騙されやすい点です。 ですが彼は例え敵の怪我でも見過ごす事が出来ず、丁寧な治療を施してくれます。



私は彼の過去の話が大好きです そのエピソードはEpisode of Chopperという名前で映画化もされ、いかに読者に愛されている話なのかを知る事が出来ます。何故トナカイが人間になり、医者を目指すことになったのか。そして何故、敵であっても命を助けようとするのか。私はNamiの過去と同じくらい、このエピソードに感動しました

Translated by sosa31
Sanji is a chef among the gang that fights with his kick.

He is hard on men but gentle toward women.
At battle, he fights mainly with his kicks but he never attacks women.
Even if he is attacked, he would not fight back and sometimes that would impress even his enemies.

Also, he often uses clever strategy like Narni or Robin to take advantage, and there have been cases his fellows could get out from trouble because of his intelligence!

His goods include a lot of figures. He is also known for a lot of Doujinshi on him, compared to other characters.
There are many books with Zoro, Nmi, and Luffy. Personally I like the books with Nami or Robin!
He is a gentle person so he is cool!

He actually published a book called "Pirate Recipes" and you can see his real recipes on the book!!
The book has more than 40 recipies including meat with bone or Pirate Bento. It has made a huge sales in Japan since it's publish so check it out!

I think his attractiveness comes from the fact that he is so strong that he would never change what he has decided.
He has never vent his principle such as "never attack women", "only use kicks at fight (hands are for cooking)" and "share food with hungry ones even if he is a bad guy".

Because he sticks with his principle, he has been put into so many troubles. But the fact that he still does not vend his principle in midst of those troubles make him a cool and unique character that is different from Zoro or Luffy.

He is a mascot of the Straw Hat Pirates. He is an emergency food as well as a talented doctor.

He is serious and gentle but his weaknesses are the fact he is so naive and easy to be deceived.
He cannot ignore injuries even if those are of his enemies and he provides careful treatment.
That comes from his tough experience in the past but so many lives were saved because of his gentleness.

There are so many products on him. Not to mention about figures but there are many straps or stationeries.

His figure often comes with him alone but other items are often with other characters, especially Nami. They make a cute couple and make your heart warm.

I love stories on his past.
The episode became a movie called "Episode of Chopper" and from that you may know how much he is loved by readers. How a reindeer became human and tried to be a doctor. And why he tries to save people even when they are his enemies. I was moved by the story, as much as I was moved by the past of Nami.

His dream is to become a doctor (medicine) that can cure any disease. Behind the cute look that he usually shows, there is a strong principle that is well comparable to other members.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
sosa31 sosa31