Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to Native English ] Good news for those who feel that instagram picture is small and want to see...

Original Texts
「instagramの写真は小さい!もっと大きくまるの写真を見たい!」って思ってる人へ朗報。これはiPhoneユーザー限定でandroidのやり方じゃないのでご注意ください。やり方は至って簡単。画面を指3本でダブルタップすると拡大表示。 もう一度指3本でダブルタップすると元に戻ります。 拡大率を変えたい場合は指3本でダブルタップの後、指を離さずに画面上で上下にスライドさせます。出来ない場合は、設定→一般→アクセシビリティ→ズーム機能がONになっているか確認してね。
Translated by kannon_11
Good news for those who feel that instagram picture is small and
want to see the whole big picture! Please note that this is limited
to the iPhone users and can not be used with android.
The operation is very easy. Double tap the screen with 3 fingers to enlarge the view.
If you double tap again with 3 fingers, it returns to normal view.
When you need a different enlargement ratio, double tap with 3 fingers and
without lifting the fingers, slide up and down on the screen.
If you are unable to do so, please check whether Zoom function under Setup > General > Accessibility
is set to ON.

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
1 day
kannon_11 kannon_11
A bilingual IT Professional and Localization consultant dealing with various ...