Sorry, I was just checking to see if there was maybe perhaps a mistake in the listed sales price in ebay. I know you are in J and thought perhaps there may have been a calculation error from JPY to USD. I was thinking that maybe this was really supposed to be USD $29.99 instead of USD $299.99 - (which honestly is extremly high for a Disney watch). I collect Disney watches (have many im my collection) and have not ever seen any priced this high before?
Just to let you know, for this price of USD $300.00, it is very close to an expensive "high dollar" name brand watch, like R, S, C or C w brands. I was just checking becasue I have never seen a Disney watch priced this high, thought this was something special.
参考のためですが、この$300という値段は、高価なR、S、C、C wといった「高級」ブランド腕時計に非常に近いものです。これまでこれほど高価なディズニー腕時計は見たことがなかったので、何か特別なものなのか確認したかったのです。