YamuraihaはOne of the eight generalsです。
Yamuraiha is one of the eight generals.
She's a subordinate of Sinbad, and Aladdin's master for magic.
She's a genius magician, and uses water magic as her specialty.
She became Aladdin's master of magic at about the same time Sharrkan became Alibaba's master for sword art, so their point of view clashes on whether "magic is stronger, or the sword is stronger."
Her breasts are really big, so she often gets sexual harassment from Aladdin, who loves big breasts.
彼女とSinbadがSindria Kingdomの上空に結界を張っているおかげで、
Because of the force field barrier put up on the skies of Sindria Kingdom by Sinbad and Yamuraiha, the country can maintain its peace.
She's so intelligent, she can even invent her own magic tools. She's full of attractive qualities!
In doujinshis, she's often drawn with Sharrkan and Morgiana's master of martial arts, Masrur, as a threesome. There are also a lot of duojinshis about her love stories with Sharrkan...!