4 Hold SC to view a list of the scores for all holes. From this list, you can select any hole to change the score for that hole.
Setting the Scoring Method
You can change the method the device uses to keep score.
1.Select an option:
If you are currently playing a round, select SC >S.
If you are not currently playing a round, select S > S
2.Select a scoring method.
About Stableford Scoring
When you select the Stableford scoring method , points are awarded based on the number of strokes taken relative to par. At the end of a round, the highest score wins. The device awards points as specified by the United States Golf Association.
NOTE: The scorecard for a Stableford scored game shows points instead of strokes.
4 全てのホールのスコアリストを見るには、SCを使います。このリストで、ホールを選んでスコアを変更できます。
ラウンドでプレーしている最中の場合、SC >Sを選択します。
ラウンドでプレーしていない場合、S > Sを選択します。