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[Translation from English to Japanese ] This auction if for a pair of vintage McIntosh MC-30 tube type power amplifie...

Original Texts
This auction if for a pair of vintage McIntosh MC-30 tube type power amplifiers with consecutive serial numbers original instruction manuals. I have owned these amps since the early 70's. Prior to that they were owned by my cousin who bought them new in the early 60's. I paired the amps with a McIntosh C-20 preamp which I recently sold. Now I need to sell the MC-30s. As far as I know these amps have all original parts including capacitors, tubes, and resistors. The only part that doesn't look original is one internal cap that doesn't seem to match the others. These amps have been stored for the past few years in an indoor, dry, temperature controlled place. They have been used for most of their close to 50 year life and have given excellent service. As with any piece of electronics that is almost 50 years old, these amps show some cosmetic imperfections. All of the lettering on top next to the tubes and on the input/output side seems to be perfect. The large attached metal McIntosh logo on the side is intact on both amps and looks good.There is a bit of corrosion and pitting on the chrome that doesn't really show up in the photos. The sides and edges show more of the corrosion than the top. Looking down on the tubes, the top show slight pitting of the chrome.At a distance and in the pictures, the amps look great. if you're looking for a pair of excellent vintage amps to have restored or do yourself then these would make good candidates.I have not found a need to do any restoration as they seem to work fine.To me, keeping them original made more sense than trying to make them sonically perfect. Frankly, these 50 year old Macs still sound better than any of my later model solid state stereo gear!
When I decided to sell my McIntosh gear I hooked up the MC-30s and detected no hums or buzzes and was able to get good sounding audio out of them. If I had the space I would have liked to hook them up and use them again, however, I don't and they're too nice and too valuable to let sit around anymore. Someone who appreciates their quality should get use out of them.The only testing I was able to do was hook them up to speakers and a preamp and play music through them. Other than that, they have not been tested and therefore will not be warranted. You buy them, they are yours.
Translated by toruneko
連番のオリジナル取扱説明書付ヴィンテージマッキントッシュMC - 30のチューブ型パワーアンプ1対のオークションです。私はこれらのアンプを70年代前半から持っていました。私の前には私のいとこが60年代前半に新品で購入して所有していました。アンプは最近売ってしまったマッキントッシュC - 20プリアンプと組み合わせていました。今はMC - 30を売る必要があります。私が知っている限り、これらのアンプは、コンデンサ、真空管、抵抗を含むすべてがオリジナルパーツです。オリジナルに見えない唯一のパーツは1個の内部キャップで他とマッチしていません。これらのアンプは屋内の乾燥し、温度制御された場所で、過去数年間保存してきました。
もしもあなたが修理された、でなければ自分で修理するつもりで素晴らしいビンテージアンプのペアを探しているのなら、これは有力候補です。これらは正常に動作しますので修理の必要はありません。私にとってオリジナルの状態に保つことは音質を完璧にすることより意味のあることでした。 素直に言っていまだにこの50歳のマックは私の後のソリッドステートステレオ装置のどのモデルよりも良い音です!マッキントッシュの装置を売る決心をしたとき、MC-30sを接続しましたが、ハムやバズがなくいい音が出せました。
場所さえあれば接続してまた使いたいのですが、そうしません。これ以上周りに置いておくには素晴らしすぎるし貴重すぎます。その品質を評価できる方が使うべきです。私ができるテストはスピーカーとプリアンプに接続し、音楽をかけてみることだけです。 それ以外は、テストしていないため保証しません。購入すればあなたのものです。

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 5 hours
toruneko toruneko