Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from English to Japanese ] Other officers followed, as well as a multitude of slaves and a pack train ca...

Original Texts
Other officers followed, as well as a multitude of slaves and a pack train carrying the pay-money and the supplies. As for his mother, he decided not to acquaint her with his plan, lest, out of affection and weakness, like a woman and a mother, she might be a hindrance to his great purpose. He gave out openly that he was going to Campania to sell some of his father's property there, to take the money and put it to the uses that his father had enjoined. But even so, he went off entirely without her consent.At that time Marcus Brutus and Gaius Cassius were at Dicaearchia, and when they learned of the throng that was accompanying Octavian from Rome (the messengers having exaggerated the report, as usually happens) they were struck with much fear and consternation, thinking that the expedition was directed against themselves.They took flight across the Adriatic. Brutus went to Achaea, Cassius to Syria. When Octavian arrived in Calatia in Campania,the inhabitants received him as the son of their benefactor and treated him with the highest honor. On the following day he disclosed the whole situation to them and he appealed to the soldiers, telling them how unjustly his father had been killed and how he was himself being plotted against. As he spoke, some of the decurions did not wish to listen at all, but the people did so eagerly and with good-will, and they sympathized with him, frequently bidding him to be of good cheer, for they would not neglect him but would assist him in every way until he should be established in his inherited rights. Then he invited them to his house and gave each of them five hundred drachmae; and the next day he called together the members of the curia and appealed to them not to be outdone in good will by the people, but to remember Caesar who had given them the colony and their position of honor. He promised that the colony and their position of honor. He promised that they would experience no less benefits at his own hands. He showed that it was more fitting for him to enjoy their aid and to make use of their influence and arms than for Antonius to do so.
Translated by gloria
他の士官たちも、多数の奴隷を連れ、支払うお金と物資を詰め込んだ荷車と共に続いた。彼の母親に関しては、与える影響と女性として母親としての弱さから彼の目的の足手まといになると考え、彼は計画を知らせないことを決めていた。彼はCampaniaへ行くのはそこにある父の財産を売ってお金を得て父が命令した目的に使うためだと表向きには伝えた。そのような形ではあったが、彼は母の全面的同意を得て出発した。そのときMarcus BrutusとGaius CassiusはDicaearchiaにおり、ローマからOctavianが引き連れてきた群衆の多さを知ると(よくあることだか、メッセンジャーは報告を大げさにしていた)

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
English → Japanese
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 7 hours
gloria gloria