Translation Results Requested Through Conyac Made Public

[Translation from Japanese to English ] Alto, who is the heroe of this work and born in the noble family of Kabuki, h...

Original Texts


こういった話では主人公は鈍感で優柔不断でどうしようもないのですが、このアルトくんも例外ではありません。なんで気づかないのかと突っ込みを入れたくなるシーンも何度かあります しかし、勇気や行動力は人一倍ありますので、主人公らしい主人公ともいえるでしょう。



Translated by brother346
Alto, who is the heroe of this work and born in the noble family of Kabuki, held admiration for the genuine sky which he had watched on his young day and goes to the training school for the pilot.

He participates in the concert of Cheryl as a stunt and gets to know her and her big fan,Ranka. It develops into three-cornered relation ship from there, but it's really enviable. He is a great good-looking man.

In such a story, a hero is usually insensitive, indecisive, and hopeless, but this Alto is no exception, too. There are several scenes which we want to feed why he does not notice.
However, he has outstanding guts and acting power, it may be said that he is a hero who seems to be a hero.

Episode 1 has a service cut in which the blood of the actor, which he cannot resist aches and takes off by oneself. It is must-see for women and girls.

There is still much coupling with Cheryl in the coterie magazine.
Because I prefer Ranka personally, I think that this is a good tendency.
I monopolize Ranka!

After he meets two heroines, and he fights with バジュラ, may Alto fly in the true sky?

Result of Translation in Conyac

Number of Characters of Requests:
Translation Language
Japanese → English
Translation Fee
Translation Time
about 9 hours
brother346 brother346