I am a Japanese translator, experienced around 5 yrs especially for business documents

Contact Freelancer
1,700 yen per hour
Translation & Localization / Translation
Japanese → English English → Japanese
I am a native Japanese speaker, live in Japan and India go and back for my social work. So translating Japanese is something I do on a personal level everyday.
However, when I translate for business I try and my best to make sure the essence of the document is accurate. There is often no direct translation for Japanese words to English and translating can be tricky, but being a native speaker allows me to read the words that are there and the words that are not there to make sure the translation I present is accurate each and every time.
I have experience as a translator at companies in Japan for about 5 years. I translated documents including contracts, product manuals etc.
Also I am a writer about my social work and travelling in English and Japanese for more than 3 years.
1 pm to 9:00 pm JST

eriko_k's Profile

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Almost 6 years ago
Japanese English
Business Culture Manuals


~2008 中学・高校時のニュージーランド・オーストラリアの現地学校への進学
2008~ 日本の大学時代には英語が必須言語であった活動への参加(海外協力)
2011  同活動で別地域を対象とした団体の立ち上げ


日本語→英語のウェブサイト翻訳:2本/年 をこなしています。

■現在の空き状況:4~6時間/日 月に20~25日勤務可能です。
