“It’s an honor to receive this award once again,” said Emilio Egea, vice president and chief diversity officer. “At Prudential, we integrate diversity into our human resources and business processes. This approach empowers our employees to create products and services that are relevant to a broad base of customers. We recognize that it is the talent and skills of our diverse employees that will enable us to continue to lead in the marketplace. That is why they are our greatest and most valued asset.”
Prudential recruits talent from organizations such as ALPFA and NSHMBA. In addition, Prudential supports organizations such as the NCLRaza and HACR that address issues pertinent to the Hispanic community.
PrudentialはALPFA やNSHMBAなどの組織から才能のある社員を採用している。さらにPrudentialはNCLRazaやHACRなどの、ヒスパニック社会に関連した問題を提起する組織等を支援している。
"Throughout my eight years with Prudential, I've consistently been provided with opportunities to grow as well as help develop talent from diverse backgrounds,” said George Castineiras a vice president in Prudential Retirement.
In January, Hispanic Business recognized Castineiras on its 2010 “Corporate Elite" list ranking the top 25 Hispanic executives of the year.
“Prudential encourages leaders and all employees to create a workplace where different perspectives are included,” said Castineiras. “And we leverage our varied ideas to create innovative solutions that drive business outcomes.”
1月にはHispanic Business社がCastineirasを2010年の年間トップ25人のヒスパニック系エグゼクティブリストである「Corporate Elite(企業リーダー)」に記載した。
「プルーデンシャルとの8年間、私には様々な背景から才能を開花させる機会がずっとあった。」とプルーデンシャルリタイアメントの副社長、George Castineirasは言った。