Thank you for using Car Town EX. This is Car Town User Support.
Unfortunately there is an issue with the latest version of the flash player which is embedded in Google Chrome's latest update. We recommend using a different browser while Google resolves this issue.
However if you must use Google Chrome, here are some steps to resolve this issue.
1) Enter "about:Plugins" into the browser address bar and press Enter
2) Locate the Shockwave player and click the "Details" button located to the right of it
3) Located the flash player version "" and disable it
4) Locate a working flash player version "11,3,300,271" and enable it
5) Refresh Car Town EX and it should be working.
非常抱歉的通知您關于最新版本的動畫播放器是嵌載在Google Chrome的最新更新中的。我們建議您使用另一種浏覽器等待Google來解決這個問題。
然而如果您必須使用Google Chrome的話﹐下面幾點也許可以幫助您解決這個問題。
1) 在浏覽器地址欄中輸入 "about:Plugins" 按下回車鍵
2) 找到Shockwave player 點擊"詳情"鍵 ﹐找到其版權
3) 找到"" 版本的動畫播放器使其不可用
4) 找到"11,3,300,271"版本的動畫播放器並設定爲可用軟件
5) 刷新車城EX後即可使用.
1)在瀏覽器地址欄輸入"about:Plugins” ,然後按回車鍵(Enter)