[インドネシア語から英語への翻訳依頼] Batik bisa dimodifikasi dalam berbagai model pakaian. Salah satunya busana mu...

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nyinkによる依頼 2012/06/03 22:42:12 閲覧 4586回
残り時間: 終了

Batik bisa dimodifikasi dalam berbagai model pakaian. Salah satunya busana muslim. Ternyata setelah dipadukan hasilnya cukup manis.
Seperti yang diperagakan enam orang model Sabtu (2/6/2012) tampil di gerai Karita Muslim Square, Jl Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Surabaya.
Mereka tampil dalam tiga sesi, dan hampir seluruhnya menampilkan busana muslim. Tapi uniknya, diantara busana-busana muslim yang ditampilkan, seluruhnya terlihat ada corak atau motif batik yang menghias pada baju.
Elisa menambahkan, koleksi terbarunya ini juga sebagai pilihan untuk tampil fashionable dan trendy. Berbusana muslim pun juga harus memperhatikan style-nya. Sehingga tetap enak dipandang. Dan yang pasti sopan serta masih sesuai syariat.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/06/04 00:55:22に投稿されました
Batik can be modified in variety model of garment. Moslem garment is one of them. It apparently appear magnificently after combination.
As six modles demonstrated on Saturday (2/6/2012) perfom in outlet of Karita Muslim Square, in Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Surabaya.
They perform in three session, and almost entirely moslem fashion show. Uniquely, among the displayed moslem fashions, batik pattern or motif that decorate the cloth are entirely visible.
Elisa said, this latest collection as an option to perform more fashionable and trendy.
Moslem fashion also need to put attention with the style. So that It will seems pleasant. And it still polite and still according to the syariah.
★★☆☆☆ 2.7/11
oscarwilde- 約12年前
Poor translation, sorry.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/06/04 00:03:39に投稿されました
Batik can be modified in various fashions. One of them Moslem. Apparently after the combined results are pretty sweet. As exhibited models of six people Saturday (06/02/2012) appearing at the booth Muslim Karita Square, Jl Ngagel Jaya Selata, Surabaya. They appeared in three sessions, and is almost entirely Muslim fashion show. But uniquely, among the Muslim costumes are displayed, all looks no pattern or motif that decorate the clothes. Elisa added, this latest collection as well as the option to look fashionable and trendy. Dressed Muslims also must pay attention to his style. So it remains pleasing to the eye. And certainly polite and still fit the Shari'a.
★★☆☆☆ 2.6/8
oscarwilde- 約12年前
Poor translation, sorry.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2012/06/04 01:03:58に投稿されました
Batik can be modified into various outfit models, one of them is islamic fashion or hijab. it is found out that after several mix and match the results is very good.
The example is like the ones modeled by six models on saturday (2/6/2012) in Karita Muslim Square, Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Surabaya.
The models performed in three sessions, and almost all of them showed islamicfashions. It is interesting that among those islamic fashions being performed, all of them has Batik motive and features decoration on them.
Elisa added, this latest collections is also as a choice to be fashionalble and trendy.
Wearing islamic fashion means also to pay attention to the style, so it will be eye catching and good to look. The more important is you absolutely have to wear 'polite clothes' which is compatible with the islamic sharia.
★★☆☆☆ 2.9/6
1erma- 12年以上前
Batik can be modified into various fashions. One of them are Muslim clothes. Apparently after being mixed and matched, the results are pretty sweet. As showed by six models on Saturday (06/02/2012) who showcased at Karita Muslim Square store, Jl Ngagel Jaya Selatan, Surabaya. They showcased in three sessions, and was almost entirely showcasing muslim clothes. Unique thing was, among the muslim clothes being showcased, they all have batik pattern or motif that decorate the clothes. Elisa added, this her latest collection is also an option to get a fashionable and trendy look. Dressed in muslim clothes had also consider the style. So it would be pleasing to the eye. And of course it had to be modest and shar'i.
oscarwilde- 約12年前
Poor translation, sorry.
oscarwilde- 約12年前
Poor translation, sorry.



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