■世界各国の調理法を取り入れた形式にとらわれないエレクッティク・キュイジーヌ(和洋折衷)を提供。壁一面のワインセラーには、2000円台からハイクラスまで常時500本のワインを取り揃えています。 素晴らしい夜景が望める店内は、劇場がコンセプト。シェフの頭から足先まで見えるオープンキッチンでは、ご注文いただいたお料理をお客様の目の前でお作りします。昔からのファンも多く、一皿一皿の料理にシェフが渾身の力を籠め、素材の持ち味を活かそうと真摯に向き合った丁寧な料理の数々が楽しめます。
■東京タワーを正面に望むテーブル席で提供するのは、伝統的な江戸前寿司はもちろん、「彩り寿司」「インターナショナルロール」など 素材にこだわったオリジナルスタイルの寿司と 「上海蟹味噌のバーニャカウダ」 など、和食の概念にとらわれない一品料理です。
■全国各地で とれた四季折々の食材を吟味し、その食材の本質を最大限に活かす料理を創造します。島国である日本の伝統・文化を再認識し、世界へ発信できる日本食の開発に挑戦し続けます。
Dishes are created with the best way to maintain the qualities of ingredients itself, examining seasonal ingredients from all over the county. We continue to challenge developing the best Japanese dishes to deliver to the world by re-recognizing Japanese tradition and culture as an island nation.
Please also enjoy the wonderful view of Tokyo Tower at the table seats facing with the Tower.
■We aim to provide the dishes focused on giving the best quality of seasonal materials selves, our supreme selection from all over Japan. Recognizing Japanese tradition and culture, which are developed in an Island, we keep on challenging to cultivate Japanese foods more, so that we can expand them to the world.
■ミッドタウンで深夜までオープンしているビストロフレンチ。食の素材感を生かしたライトフレンチを気軽にお楽しみ頂けます。 カジュアルシックな大人の空間で、シャンパンを片手に優雅なひと時をお過ごし下さい。 のんびり過ごせるテラス席は皆さまの至福のひと時に最適です!
Hiding casual French restaurant located only 3-minute walk from Aoyama 1 chome station. You will enjoy the various organic vegetable as the restaurant gets deliver seasonal and safe ingredients from all over the country.
This is the place where you can enjoy home style French cusine in casual stmosphere. を最後に追加してください。
Just pop in and enjoy the light French cuisine with the excellent texture of foods.
Its casual-chic atmosphere matches for a glass of champagne and brings you a luxurious moment.
Try out our relaxing terrace dining! Then you will find yourself in a comfortable happiness.
■ You can reach the hideaway casual French restaurant within 3-minute walk from Aoyama-Ichome Station. In our restaurant, we provide the secured seasonable materials collected from all over Japan, which consist of plenty of organic vegetables. Enjoy French Cuisine in a casual at-home atmosphere!
■本物のフレンチを肩肘張らずに味わえる良心的な老舗レストラン。木や自然を活かした店内は田舎の素朴なレストランと いった風情で、堅苦しいのは苦手という人にもぴったり。フォアグラが美味しいと評判です。
Proposing "ultimate service". We serve you grace and best hospitality. We strive to provide you warm atmosphere with delicate attention all the time. "conversation without a word" is the hospitality we quest for.
■ We offer you the "extreme service" in our restaurant. Our services rely on the dignity and warm hospitality. With the careful but not swollen attention to our customers, we intend to provide the heart-warming atmosphere. "Conversation without words" represents the hospitality that we search for.
訂正があります。quisines =>cuisines, celler=>cellar, culnary=>culinary, 200=>2000
また訂正です。三番目のセンテンス全て=>This restaurant is designed for people inside to be able to have magnificient panoramatic night views as if they were in a theater.