Notice of Conyac Termination ( Updated on November 25)

[Translation from Japanese to English ] pictaq is a simple photo uploading service to create a "theme" on common topi...

This requests contains 237 characters . It has been translated 2 times by the following translator : ( michelle ) and was completed in 1 hour 26 minutes .

Requested by kazufuji at 26 Mar 2012 at 18:38 1457 views
Time left: Finished


Rating 57
Translation / English
- Posted at 26 Mar 2012 at 19:32
pictaq is a simple photo uploading service to create a "theme" on common topics or interests and upload photos on it. For an example, "Introduction of our cute cats", "Let's take a picture of sunset", "Show off your nails", "Thread to upload your illustration" and so on. It works in Japanese and English, so depending on how you use it, you might be able to learn or teach "What's hot in the world". Any uploads and usages of pictures aimed for commercial solicitation, dating service and so on that violates our terms of use are prohibited.
kazufuji likes this translation
kazufuji- over 12 years ago
[deleted user]
Rating 44
Translation / English
- Posted at 26 Mar 2012 at 20:04
Pictaq is a simple picture sharing service you can present a "theme" as a common topic or your concern and share images with each other. Some examples are "Introducing our cat in heat" "Let's take pictures of sunset," "Proud of my nail job" "Thread of my original illustrations". Since this is compatible with both languages, Japanese and English, you can internationally exchange "The current world situations" with others, depending on how you use this. Any activities that violate our terms of service are prohibited such as business promotion or finding a date.
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kazufuji likes this translation
[deleted user]
[deleted user]- over 12 years ago
service と you can present の間に where をいれてください。
[deleted user]
[deleted user]- over 12 years ago
clicking の後に on をお願いします!


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