安い方がいいというお客様には、英語版のhome editionやprofessionalをすすめたりもしています。使い方は英語版も日本語版も同じなので。
おそらく何人かの日本人が、日本語の体験版で操作を体験して、英語版のhome editionやprofessionalを購入されているかもしれません。
For customers who prefer less expensive ones, we recommend the English version home edition or professional, since the usage is the same with that of Japanese version.
Perhaps some Japanese may have experienced the operation of Japanese trial version and bought English version home edition or professional.
For the customers who prefer cheaper price, we recommend them the English version of home edition and professional since the ways they work are the same as the Japanese versions.
Perhaps some Japanese customers may have tried the trial versions in Japanese and purchased the English versions of home edition and professional.
最近だと主婦の方に英語版のHome edition 2台をすすめました。このお客様は、個人利用なので少しでも安い方がいいとの要望でした。
I would keep the price unchanged for the time being. And sometimes I will sell it at a discounted price on time sale campaign.
I will send you the sales status reports (price & quantity) in form of excel file periodically. Thank you.
I think we will keep the pricing as it is for now. We might offer limited discount campaigns and sell them at cheaper prices.
We will send you an excel file with sales figures (prices and amounts) at a constant base.
Thank you.