The second aspect of art after the Internet deals with not the nature of the art object but the nature of its reception and social presence.
To be “progressive” in art is a fundamental impulse which which seems to pervade the majority of our judgements of the quality of art propositions. This leads to the use of such terms as the “avant-garde,” which in the twentieth century held as its central project the delineation of a cultural space for art to occupy in relation to “mass media.” However the nature of mass media is now profoundly different, in that we are both its subject and the engine behind it.
Attention has always been a currency, but with the proliferation of networking methods and infinitely alterable and reproducible media, that attention has diverged and become split amongst anyone and everyone who wishes to Clement Greenberg, Modernist Painting (1960) Joseph Kosuth, Art After Philosophy (1969)seek it. Fixed (which is to say, physical) media once imposed an economy to the image and object, a value driven by scarcity which necessitated a one-to-many system of distribution. Over time this spread and democratization of image and object production tools has led to a perpetual iconoclasm, each successive volley of formats breeding a new dogma and its own particular set of aesthetic principles.