[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] アマゾンUKに続きアマゾンDEもサスペンドになりました そして先日アマゾンDEから下記のようなメールが届きました UKのサスペンドが解除されたら、DEに...

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yamamuroによる依頼 2019/10/04 17:44:18 閲覧 1845回
残り時間: 終了



評価 53
翻訳 / 英語
- 2019/10/04 17:51:25に投稿されました
After Amazon UK, I was also suspended from Amazon DE.
Also, I received the following email from Amazon DE the other day:

If your UK account is removed, your company still wished to rely on DE.
However, there was no plan to reinstate the account. Also, manpower and shipping costs still continue to be incurred in Europe.

If we could begin selling again even on Amazon DE, we would be happy even if the sales just increase by a bit.
On one hand, I am worried whether any problems would arise with the VAT report for the UK that is dependent on our company if we rely on Amazon DE
What is the actual situation?
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2019/10/04 18:06:19に投稿されました
Amazon DE was suspended in the sequel, it was not only Amazon UK who was suspended.
Then, I have received a mail from Amazon DE a few days ago as following.

I was going to request regarding to DE to you, if the suspending for UK is released.
But unfortunately, it seems not to be released, and personnel expenses and transporting expenses keep on taking.
I really appreciate if we could sell once more to DE at least and proceeds increase somehow.
But then, I'm worrying that will any problem happen to VAT declaration of UK we asked to you, if we request to Amazon DE?
I need your explanation concerning this matter.



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