2017 年春夏パリコレクションで発表した ANREALAGE(アンリアレイジ)とのコラボシューズ「ANREALAGE MONTE Z」が2017年6月17日(土)についに発売!
今回のコラボシューズは、2009年に発売したアウトドアテイストを原型としながらミニマルで未来的なフォルムに仕上げた「MONTE POKHARA(モンテポカラ)」をベースに、AR技術と再帰性反射技術を取り入れ、日常と非日常をコンセプトとする「ANREALAGE」らしい二面性を備えたデザインに仕上がりました。
Furthermore, the upper structure matching to the idea in the clothing is also unique. As it is possible to allow various types of string to pass through the punching of the lace hole, you can get to enjoy your very own arrangement.
In addition, the upper overlapping structure derived from kimono garment is unique. You can enjoy arranging as you like by passing various kinds of strings on instep punching.
Their over-wrapped upper structure is inspired by KIMONO and makes the look very unique. The punching on the instep of the shoes enables various ways of shoe lacing techniques. Enjoy your unique arrangement of shoe lacing.
When holding the sneakers to the smartphone, you can hear Mr. Yamaguchi Ichiro's "Sakanation" AR sound due to the AR (Augmented Reality) technology. ※
※In order to listen to the AR sound, download of a specialized app that supports iOS 8 and above is required.
By AR (Augmented Reality) technology, you can hear AR sound created by Mr. Ichiro YAMAGUCHI (Sakanaction) when you hold your smartphone over the sneakers.*
*It requires the App that is compatible with iOS8 or later to use this function