
[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] まず初めに、大事な約束事があります ライフジャケットはカヌーに乗っている間は絶対に脱がないこと 上陸して休憩している時は脱いでもOK。 パドルの持ち方 ...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は ka28310 さん marukome さん sujiko さん hhanyu7 さん tom_o_k さんの 5人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 896文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 42分 です。

tadasuke1075による依頼 2016/03/24 12:48:53 閲覧 3377回
残り時間: 終了




評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 12:57:58に投稿されました
At first, we have important conventions and rules.
Please never take off your life jacket while you are on board of canoe.
You can take off it while you are on land and taking a rest, though.

How to hold a paddle.
The top portion whose shape is T letter, is called "grip". Hold the grip with your palm, and grasp it tightly with your thumb downward.
Use the other hand to grab the shaft. The distance between your hands should be a little wider than your shoulder width.

How to row.
Basically, there are two ways. One is "forward rowing", the other is "backward rowing". At first, put the portion which strokes the water (blade) into the water in front of you, and row it just like pulling it backwards. This is " forward rowing".
評価 60
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:23:52に投稿されました
First of all, there is an important rule.
You must keep wearing your life jacket while on a canoe. It is OK to take it off when you come on a shore and take a break.

How to hold a paddle
The T-shaped upper part is called “grip.” Hold it in the palm of your hand and grab it with your thumb underneath.
Hold the shaft with your other hand. The distance between your hands is about a little wider than your shoulder.

How to paddle a canoe
Basically there are two ways to paddle a canoe: “Forward paddle stroke” and “Backward paddle stroke.” First, move the rowing part (blade) of the paddle forward, put it in the water and pull the paddle back towards you, and this is called the “forward paddle stroke.”
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:18:17に投稿されました
Firstly, there are important rules.
Never take off your life jacket while riding a canoe.
It is OK to take it off when taking a rest on land.

How to hold paddles
The part of T-shape above is called "grip". Hold it in the palm of your hand and firmly grab it with your thumb down.
Hold a shaft with another hand. The space between hands is about slightly wider than your shoulder width.

How to row
There are basically two ways to row, "row front" and "row back". Firstly, it is "row front" to rake in water with the blade (a part to rake in water) from before you and row as if to pull it back.



評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:07:15に投稿されました
Put the blade into the water in the back side of you, and row it just like pushing it forward. This is "backward rowing". The point is to hold the paddle as perpendicular as possible, Keep back of your hand holding the grip in front of your eyes. If the back of your hand holding the paddle turns away to the side, the blade just slides into the water.

About canoe,
Canadian canoe is symmetry from front to back and from side to side, but there is a definition which is the front and which is the back.
Unlike hand rowing boat, crews do not sit down nose to nose in the canoe, All crews shit down forward. Therefore, the wider side of the chairs indicates the front side of the canoe.
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:31:20に投稿されました
It is called "row back" to insert the blade behind you and row as if you push it front.
The point is to row by making the paddles vertically as much as possible. Hold them as the back of your hands grabbing the grip always come in front of your eyes.
The blade only cuts water if the back of your hands face sides.

Canadian canoe is symmetrical in the shape of front and back, right and left, however it actually has front and back.
You do not sit facing each other with canoe different from a rowing boat. Everyone sits facing front. Therefore, the front has a wider front seat.



評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:05:46に投稿されました
Position to sit
You cannot change the position of front and back on water. There is a risk you may fall from losing balance. The one at the very back plays a role of captain. As the privilege of captain, you can firstly decide the direction of right or left for paddles to row easily. The one on the front always rows at the opposite side from the captain.

Traits of canoe
To row only the right side directs the canoe to the left. To row only the left side directs the canoe to the right side. Unless the adjustment of power and balance of rhythm are in harmony, you cannot go straight as two persons on the front and back row in rhythm at the same time. The captain steers in tune with the person in front.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:03:45に投稿されました
Seating position

On the water, position of seat at front and back is not allowed to be changed. It might lose balance and fall off canoe.
The seat at the far back plays a role of captain. As a privilege of the captain, he can decide direction where he can easily row a paddle either left or right. A person at front must row the side that is opposite of the captain.

Characteristics of canoe
If we row only right side, the canoe swings to the left whereas if we row only left side, it swings to right.
As those at front and back row at the same time by following rhythm, we cannot move straight unless we match volume of power and balance of the rhythm. The captain follows the person at front, and rows it.


評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:14:11に投稿されました
Technique of turning

By characteristics of the canoe, if one person rows, he can change the direction, but it is difficult to row by one person. You might think that if 2 people row at the same side, they might be able to turn the canoe. However, as center of gravity stays at one side, the canoe might be capsized when transverse wave attacks since the canoe leans to one direction. To change the direction smoothly, if only a person who is rowing the paddle in the direction where he would like to turn among 2 people who are rowing in the direction of front rows in the direction of back, they can turn smoothly by working together.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:33:39に投稿されました
Turning skill.
Due to the characteristic of canoe, it can make turn if one crew of the either side rows, but it is hard for only one crew to row the canoe. However, you may think it would also make turn if two crew rows in the same side at the same time, but this makes the canoe unbalanced and leaning due to shifting the center of gravity, and might result in turning over when a side wave is coming over the canoe. In order to make a smooth turn, one of the two crews performing "forward rowing" need to switch to "backward rowing", who is sitting and rowing the paddle in the side you want to make turn to. Then the two crews can cooperatively make smooth turn.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2016/03/24 13:31:17に投稿されました
Turn technic
As the nature of Canoe, if one person row, that change the direction of the canoe. But, it is hard to row by one person. If both of them row on one side, you may think canoe can turn, but it make the canoe tilt by the deviation of the gravity, and it may turn over by a wave broadside. In order to change the direction, one of the two rowing forward, row backward toward the direction them may turn to. In this way, the canoe can change the direction smoothly.
tom_o_k- 8年以上前
"if one person rows, that will change the direction of the canoe." "but it ill make the canoe tilt by the deviation..."にしてください! 書いているうちに抜けてしまってました。



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