Your order has been received by and is now being processed. Please be sure to keep this email for your records.
Although we will try to ship all of the items in your order in the same package, in order to provide faster service, you may receive more than one package. This will not affect your shipping charges in any way.
Your credit card will be charged according to the items being shipped. Your credit card statement will show a transaction from 51*SAKS.COM. Some credit card statements may also show the city name of the FiftyOne billing exchange office for your region.
アイテムが発送されるとあなたのクレジットカードに課金されます。クレジットカードの明細書には「51*SAKS.COMからの取引」と表示されるでしょう。クレジットカードによっては、あなたの町のFiftyOne billing exchangeオフィスの名称も表示される場合があります。
Upon shipment of your order through our international processing facility, we will send you another email containing parcel tracking information.