[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] ■最大電力21Wで、過電流・ショート保護回路搭載と記載されたものを使用した時 ・消費電力W表示付きコンセントで測定した結果、最大が数秒間24Wを表示したが...

この日本語から英語への翻訳依頼は "ビジネス" "Eメール" "コミュニケーション" "テクノロジー" "なるはや" のトピックと関連があります。 osamu_kanda さん tatsuoishimura さん michiyo-m さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 2件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 238文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 0時間 41分 です。

futabaによる依頼 2015/08/21 19:23:44 閲覧 4093回
残り時間: 終了

・消費電力W表示付きコンセントで測定した結果、最大が数秒間24Wを表示したが、過電流保護機能付きで安心し、動作は無し。テストデータは、コンセントのAC電圧100.5V、DC出力電圧7.7V ロビダンス時18W~24W

評価 59
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 19:45:07に投稿されました
When something with a label saying that it incorporates an overcurrent and short-circuit protection circuit is used at a maximum power of 21 W

- Measurements taken with a wall outlet marked with a power consumption W demonstrated that the peak was 24 W for several seconds. We were however relieved because it was with an overcurrent protection function, and it was not activated. Test data indicated that the wall outlet had an AC voltage of 100.5 V and a DC output voltage of 7.7 V, with 18 W to 24 W at robidance. (ロビダンスの英訳がわかりません)

- Caution: When the adapter was inserted into the robi (?), imperfect contact resulted on several occasions. I asked them, "Is the battery all right?" they told me "I want it to be recharged" and things like that. At that time, detaching the connector and reattaching it can cause it to switch to "I'm really fine."

futaba- 8年以上前
評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 20:32:42に投稿されました
■ When I used one with the description of the maximum electricity 21W and the over current and protection circuit installed:
・ The maximum measured value displayed was 24W for a few seconds with an outlet with the consumption electricity watt indication. As I had felt relieved with the over current protection function, I did not operate it. The test data were AC voltage 100.5V and 18W - 24W and DC output voltage 7.7V at the time when Robi danced.
・ Important points:
When I inserted an adapter in Robi, it caused the contact failures a few times. I asked, "is the battery O.K?" to which it produced a sound and said, "charge me." Then when I put the connector again, it changed the reply, ”I am full of health," and recovered.
評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/08/21 20:04:41に投稿されました
When using those mentioned as load with overcurrent and short-circuit protection at maximum power 21W
・The result of measured by a socket with a display of electricity consumption W, there is not movement and was stable with short-circuit protection though it showed 24W as maximum for several seconds. Test data, AC voltage of the socket 100.5V, DC output voltage 7.7V, when it Robidansu 18~24W
Caution; there were poor connections sometimes when I put an adapter into a Robi. When I ask “Is the battery all right?” it vocalized “I want you to charge”. It changes to “Cheerful” when I change the connector at that time.



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