[日本語から英語への翻訳依頼] 那智の火祭り (那智の扇祭り) 熊野那智大社が執り行う例大祭。日本三大火祭りの一つとされ、正式には「扇祭」もしくは「扇会式」と呼ぶ。 重さ50kg以上の大...

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t196による依頼 2015/07/29 11:15:30 閲覧 3401回
残り時間: 終了

那智の火祭り (那智の扇祭り)


評価 52
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:59:15に投稿されました
Nachi no Himatsuri, or Nachi no Ogi Matsuri (Nachi Fire Festival, or Nachi Fan Festival)
Reitai-sai (most important annual festival) organized by Kumano Nachi Taisha (Shinto shrine located halfway up Nachi Mountain). It is regarded as one of the three major fire festivals, and officially called as "Ogi Matsuri (fan festival)" or "Ogi Kaishiki" (fan memorial service).
The ceremony "On takimoto shinji" (the ignition to the big torches), to purify the approaches to the shrine with the torch that weighs more than 50kg and welcome the Ogi mikoshi (fan-shaped portable shrine) , is an impressive scene to watch.

Ginzan Onsen (Silver Mine Hot Spring)
A hot spring resort that become famous with the popularity of NHK TV drama "Oshin"
As there are many wooden houses, and gas lights are lit in the evening, it is a nostalgic place with the atmosphere of Taisho era (1912-1926). Many people visit there throughout the year to enjoy the elegant landscape.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:56:52に投稿されました
Fire Festival of Nachi (Nachi Fan Festival)
The annual festival hold by Kumano Nachi Grand Shrine. This festival is one of Japanese three festivals, and formally it is called "Fan Festival" or "Fan Buddhist Memorial Service".
To purify the approach with the flames of the giant pine torches weighed more than 50kg and to welcome the fan palanquin "Otaki Honjinn Ji" are powerful and worth watching.

Ginzan Hot Spring
The hot spring area which became famous for a scene of "Oshin", NHK television drama.
Wooden ins are standing side by side, gas lights are lit in the sunset, this is a town of nostalgic and full of the romance of Taisyo era.
Through a year many people visit to enjoy the charm.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:19:42に投稿されました
Nachi Fire Festival (fan festival of Nachi)
Kumano Nachi Taisha is celebrate example festival. It is one of Japan's three fire festival, officially referred to as a "Ogi-sai" or "fan ceremonies".
And cleanse approach in weight 50kg or more of large torches of fire, powerful figure of greet a fan mikoshi "your Takimoto ritual" it is worth seeing. Ginzan Onsen NHK TV drama "Oshin" stage and become hot springs that became famous. Inn of wooden lined is the eaves, the day falls and light the gas lamps lit, Taisho romance full of nostalgic town. Many people visit to enjoy its taste throughout the year.

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:51:56に投稿されました
achi Fire Festival (fan festival of Nachi)
Kumano Nachi Taisha celebrates custom festival. Japan's 3 biggest fire festival it ranks number one and it is officially referred as a "Ogi-sai" or "fan ceremonies". It is worth watching of welcoming the powerful figure of Mikoshi (takimoto ritual) in the clear light of fire torchlight \s weighing more than 50 kg .

Ginzan Onsen
This onsen become famouse in the NhK Tv drama "Oshin"
famous.This town has wooden lodging lined up with eaves,when day falls gas lamp lights is lighted ,full of taisho romance makes it nostalgic town.Many people visit to enjoy its elegance throughout the year.

大国主命が火に囲まれ困っているとき、 ネズミが洞穴に導いて命を救ったという『古事記』の記述から作られたもの。全国に約8万社ある神社のうち、狛ネズミがいるのはここだけ、ということでネットで話題に。子年には初詣に多くの人が訪れる。

評価 50
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:30:09に投稿されました
Taiho shrine
There are usually a guardian dogs in a shrine, but in the Taiho Shrine there are a guardian rat.
When the major powers master's orders is in trouble, surrounded by fire, that mouse which is made from the description of "folk history" saved the life led to the cave. Out of the shrine which is about 80 000 companies across the country, a guardian rat is just here,and that becomes a hot topic on the net. On the child year a lot of people in the New Year's visit a Shinto shrine.
評価 44
翻訳 / 英語
- 2015/07/29 11:24:51に投稿されました
Dafeng shrine
there are usually guardian dogs in the shrine, but the shrine Dafeng are coma mouse.
when the major powers master's orders is in trouble, surrounded by fire, that mouse is made ​​from the description of "folk history" that saved the life led to the cave. Of the shrine which is about 80 000 companies across the country, just here to have coma rat, a hot topic on the net at that. The child year visit a lot of people in the New Year's visit to a Shinto shrine.




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○ Juban
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