About 12 hours ago A and B both became extremely slow, and even now videos cannot be sent. Is it another server maintenance as it happened in October last year? When will it be restored?
The speed of both A and B has been remarkably slow since 12 hours ago, and I cannot distribute a moving picture yet. It happened in October last year once. Is it due to the maintenance of the server? When will it be recovered?
For 12 hours both A and B slowed down, and it is impossible to send video now. This phenomenon also happened last October, does it mean the server checking? When is it completed?
From about 12 hours ago, A and B both encountered an obvious delay, until now it is still unable to buffering video. This also happened on last year October one time, is that there is a server maintenance? When will this be fixed?
動画: moving picture,animation,motion picture,animated cartoon,video,moving image、配信: delivery, distribution
ありがとう。 助かりました^^