Xiaomi Shipped 45M Phones in the First Three Quarters of 2014
Li Wanqiang, co-founder of Xiaomi, disclosed yesterday that about 16 million Xiaomi phones were shipped in the second quarter of this year. Lei Jun, CEO and co-founder of the company, announced earlier this month that the shipment in Q3 increased 20% quarter-over-quarter.
The company made RMB33 billion (US$5bn) in sales from 26.11 million phones in the first two months of this year. So a total of over 45 million Xiaomi phones shipped in the first three quarters.
Xiaomiの創立者であるLi Wanqiang氏は、1600万台のXiaomiの電話が第2四半期に出荷された、と昨日明らかにした。CEOであり同社の創立者でもあるLei Jun氏は、今月初めに、Q3の出荷は四半期ごとに2割増しであることを発表した。
Xiaomi had shipped a total of 52.3 million phones as of June 2014, according to the company. The shipment goal for this year is 60 million. Lin Bin, another co-founder of Xiaomi, said their goal for 2015 is 100 million in an interview with NIKKEI several days ago.