“世界初” の360°バーチャルリアリティ•ミュージックビデオにロンドンっ子が大熱狂!未発表の新曲「Dance In The Rain」試聴もスタート!
各業界で話題騒然となっている最先端テクノロジー 「オキュラスリフト」を用い、360°の映像世界を体感できるVR(バーチャルリアリティ)ミュージックビデオ『Dance In The Rain』の制作を発表した倖田來未。
その作品が、英•ロンドンで開催されたアートフェス「TENT LONDON」にてデビュー。
Mirai Koda announced the production of VR (virtual reality) music video "Dance In The Rain"that enables audience to experience 360-degree images with the cutting-edge technology "Oculus Rift"which attracted attention of various industries,
The piece made a debut at the art festival "TENT LONDON"held in London, UK.
Kumi Koda announced the production of "Dance In The Rain", a virtual reality music video using the cutting edge technology talked about by all industries, Oculus Rift, enabling to experience a 360° world.
Her work debuted at TENT LONDON, an art festival held in London, England.
来場した、アートに敏感なロンドンっ子からも「Amazing!」「So excited!」といった歓声があがり、数ある展示物の中でも特に際立った盛り上がりを見せました。
日本では、10月25日から開催される「TOKYO DESINGERS WEEK」にて展示予定。
Art sensitive audience in London who came to the site shouted "Amazing!""So excited!". The site showed a fantastic triumph among many exhibitions.
In Japan, the piece is scheduled to be exhibited at "TOKYO DESINERS WEEK" which will be held from October 25.
Please check it !
The art-interested Londoners who came to visit the event praised it saying "Amazing!" or "So excited!", from all the exhibited attractions, this one attracted outstanding attention.
In Japan, it's planned to be shown during Tokyo Designers Week, starting on October 25th.
Go check it out!
会場:東京青山 神宮外苑絵画館前