Sure enough, the supply of antiviral serum is in danger of being depleted. Research is underway to create a synthetic variety but may not be available as quickly as first thought. The pending drought increases the opposition to keeping the infected alive. Some want to quarantine these stigmatized survivors, while others stage protests against their very existence.
As matters worsen and violence breaks out as the stock continues to dwindle, Kate–who already was getting Alex’s supply under the counter–decides it’s time to they go on the run and hide out with the help of their supportive friends, who offer refuge at their remote chalet.
Masalah semakin buruk dan kekerasan pun terjadi, disaat yang sama simpanan serum berkurang dengan cepat. Kate yang sudah mendapatkan serum dengan illegal untuk Alex. Mereka, dengan bantuan teman-teman yang mendukung mereka, memutuskan sekarang saat nya untuk lari, bersembunyi dan mengungsi di kabin yang terpencil milik teman mereka.
Lebih memperburuk keadaan dan terjadinya kekerasan seiring berkurangnya jumlah ternak, Kate -yang sudah mendapatkan suplai milik Alex di bawah tangan- memutuskan untuk melarikan diri dan bersembunyi dengan dukungan teman-teman mereka yang menawarkan persembunyian.
From there, "The Returned"’s plot direction too often settles for being more predictable than its initial setup. I found myself thinking “uh-oh” again and again as the story took another expected turn. Hint: If you walk into an unmanned gas station in a zombie movie, chances are that noise in the back room is probably a sign to flee, not a reason to check out what is going on.