Even if we are doing anything possibile, it's correct to inform Consumer and to help you to be refund for money you spent.
Due to that problem we immediately suggest to claim your payment to your Credit Card company and be refund.
Like a new company that follow & manage today FashionQueen.net we can assit you, so for any question or help you need we are at your disposal with our Customer Care (info@fashionqueen.net).Please always report your order number to help us.
Claim the payment is easy. Contact your Credit Card company and ask them the form to claim it. In about 30/60 days (it depend from Card to Card) like consumer you are full refund. You must claim the payment as per goods never received!
At your disposal,
FashionQueen.net は新しい会社ではありますが、(訳注:ここはよくわからない書き方がされています)お客様にはしっかりと対応させていただきますので、何かご質問等ございましたら何なりとCustomer Care(info@fashionqueen.net)までお問い合わせください。その際は、ご注文番号をお伝えください。