姉が日本一のモデルになることが夢である小学6年生の綾瀬千早は、転校生・綿谷新に「自分 のことでないと夢にしてはいけない」と諭される。そんな新の夢は、競技かるたで名人に なること。普段は大人しい新が真剣に札を払うその姿に衝撃を受けた千早は、幼なじみの真島太一も巻き込んでかるたの魅力に引きこまれていく。聴力に優れた千早の才能に、そしてかる たを一緒にできる友達ができたことに新は喜ぶが、卒業後はみな別の道を歩むのだった。
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/01/24 13:52:26に投稿されました
A sixth-grade student Chiharu Hayase who dreams of the day when her sister becomes the greatest model in Japan, was admonished by a new classmate Arata Wataya. Arata dreams to become a great karuta player in competitive karuta.
Chihara was shocked to see that alway quiet Arata was seriously touching the cards of karuta. So she begins to be attracted to the charm of karuta together with her childhood friendTaichi Mashima. Arata is glad to know that Chiharu has an exceptional hearing ability and that he gets a new friend with whom he can play karuta. However they go their separate ways after graduation.
A sixth-grade student Chiharu Hayase who dreams of the day when her sister becomes the greatest model in Japan, was admonished by a new classmate Arata Wataya. Arata dreams to become a great karuta player in competitive karuta.
Chihara was shocked to see that alway quiet Arata was seriously touching the cards of karuta. So she begins to be attracted to the charm of karuta together with her childhood friendTaichi Mashima. Arata is glad to know that Chiharu has an exceptional hearing ability and that he gets a new friend with whom he can play karuta. However they go their separate ways after graduation.
翻訳 / 英語
- 2014/01/23 20:42:16に投稿されました
A sixth-grade elementary school pupil Chihaya Ayase, whose dream is that her older sister becomes the best model in Japan, is persuaded by Arata Wataya, a transfer student, “not to dream if it is not about her”. Arata’s dream is to become a master of competitive karuta. Usually he is not talkative, but when he concentrates on playing karuta, Chihaya is greatly astonished his action, and get attracted to the karuta with Taichi Mashima. Arata is pleased by Chihaya’s listening talent, and by getting a friend with whom he can play karuta, but they go to the different ways each other after the graduation.