This film is the story of a man who seems in the process of offering himself to God as a sacrifice. He lives only on bread, wine and a little potato soup. He gives up meat and vegetables. Whether this is because his stomach won't hold down anything else or whether his diet is destroying his health is unclear until later. He is thin and weak, he coughs up blood, he grows faint in the houses of parishioners, one late night he falls in the mud and cannot get up.
It is a bleak winter. The landscape around his little church is barren. There is often no sign of life except for the distant, unfriendly barking of dogs.
На улице -- мрачная зима. Пейзаж вокруг его маленькой церкви бесплодна. Там часто нет признаков жизни кроме далекого, недружественного лая собак.
Суровая зима. Пейзаж вокруг его маленькой церквушки скучен. Часто нет других признаков жизни, кроме далекого и неласкового лая собак.